
LDST announces launching of project ICT4MED

LDST announces that the project with title "Information and communication technologies for a better accessibility and territorial cooperation in the Mediterranean basin (ICT4MED)" in the framework of "2nd call for strategic projects dealing with 'Territorial Accessibility' (priority axis 3)" of "MED programme", has successfully passed the first evaluation phase and now is at the stage of submission of full proposals.

LDST announces launching of project HRAKLEITOS II

LDST announces the launching of a new project HRAKLEITOS II.

The project will be focused on techniques and mechanisms for user and text clustering aimed towards the personalized access of content in the world wide web. Operational Programme Education and Lifelong Learning investing in knowledge society.

You can find useful information about the project in the Projects section of our website.

Best Paper Award for LDST publication

The publication "The Community Network Game Project: Enriching Online Gamers Experience with User Generated Content" with the following authors Shakeel Ahmad, Christos Bouras, Raouf Hamzaoui, Andreas Papazois, Erez Perelman, Alex Shani, Gwendal Simon, George Tsichritzis was selected as one of the best papers of The Second International Conference on Creative Content Technologies CONTENT 2010 November 21-26, 2010 - Lisbon, Portugal The award in pdf

C.J. Bouras selected for the advisory committee of GRNET

The Board of Directors of GRNET has selected prof. Christos J. Bouras, Scientific Co-ordinator of LDST, as member of the Advisory Committee of GRNET.
The Advisory Committee constitutes of members that have extended experience in the research area of Networks, Telematics and New Services, it provides information about the research work that needs to be done by GRNET and about regulation on Networks.

Launching of CNG Project

RU6 announces the launching of a new project under the FP7 Program. The project entitled CNG, was rewarded during the evaluation phase, and is currently running its first months.

CNG is an exciting new research project to look into embedding user generated content into virtual world environments has just launched. The Community Network Game project is a cutting edge collaboration involving European and Israeli experts from SMEs and research organisations.

You can find useful information about the project in the Projects section of our website.

CNG Proposal Rewarded

The proposal CNG that was submitted under the activity 'ICT-4-1.5 - Networked Media and 3D Internet' was evaluated as one of the best proposals of the current call and was 3rd in the total ranking, out of 95 submissions, scoring 13 out of 15.
