Activity A3.3 “Interregional workshop on sustainable approaches to wind turbine decommissioning” of […]
Activity A3.2 “Site visit in Dundanga’s wind farm and workshop” of the […]
Activity A3.1 “Interregional workshop on developing measures to promote civic participation and […]
The kick off meeting of the Green4HEAT project was hosted by the […]
The event was the first time that the project partners from eight […]
The fifth InCompass project’s study visit took place on 4th, 5th and […]
The paper with title “On the Development of a Novel Chatbot Generator […]
With great pleasure, we invite you to participate in the 2nd workshop […]
We are happy to announce our presence at the 13th Samos summit, […]
The search for suitable locations for wind parks is in the spotlight […]
On Wednesday, March 29 2023, at Innovathens, the Distributed Systems and Telematics […]
A Novel Platform for creating Intelligent Agents by using Natural Language Processing […]
Increasing the Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Acronym: Wind4BioProgram: European Climate Initiative (EUKI)Funding: Federal Ministry […]
The Kick Off Meeting of PYTHIA project took place on 12 December […]
The final dissemination event of the Interreg Europe project EXTRA-SMEs, took place […]
The kick-off meeting of the Wind4Bio project was hosted by University of […]
The following two papers were accepted and will be presented at the […]
Efficient Resource Allocation in 5G and Beyond Networks Acronym: ERA5G-BeyondProgram: 2nd Call for proposals […]
Improving Competitiveness of the Greek Fish Farming through Development of Intelligent Systems […]
Remote LIBS for real-time field assessment of the operational characteristics of polymeric […]
Στη Μούρθια της Ισπανίας πραγματοποιήθηκε η δεύτερη συνάντηση εργασίας του έργου INHERIT, […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “System for indoors orientation and […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Energy Saving through Smart Devices […]
Πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία η 4η συνάντηση ενδιαφερομένων μερών του έργου GPP4Growth, την […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Wearable based Search And Rescue […]
Πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία η ημερίδα για τις Πράσινες Δημόσιες Συμβάσεις, στα πλαίσια […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Improving policies to boost SME […]
Πραγματοποιήθηκε με επιτυχία η ημερίδα για τη “Βιωσιμότητα στη Διαχείριση Νερού στον […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Sustainable Tourism Strategies to Conserve […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Green public procurement for resource-efficient […]
LDST announces the launch of the project “Coastal areas sustainable tourism water […]
RU6 announces its participation in writing the whitepaper 5G: Challenges, Research Priorities, […]
RU6 announces that has successfully completed the Intracom Course. The seminar was […]
RU6 announces the launch of the project “South East Europe jointly developed […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project GN3plus. For more information visit […]
On 4 and 5 April in Vienna, the second meeting of the […]
The third study visit of the InCompass project took place on the […]
The first InCompass project’s study visit took place on 2 and 3 […]
The project Regional Policy Improvement for Financially Sustainable Creative Incubator Units (InCompass […]
The kick-off meeting of the European project SIVA, which is funded by […]
LDST announces that the project with title “South East Europe improved virtual […]
In September 25th the project organised the Final Exchange Seminar, where partners […]
LDST announces that the project with title “South East Europe improved virtual […]
LDST announces that the project with title “Voucher for SMEs” is currently […]
The publication “A cross-layer design for video transmission with TFRC in MANETS” […]
The 1st meeting of the Greek Regional Implementation Group (RIG) of the […]
The Province of Milan and BIC La Fucina hosted the second study […]
The first InCompass project’s study visit took place on 2 and 3 […]
In April 18th the Coordination Committee meeting groups in Ljubljana representative from […]
LDST announces that the project with title “Sustainable Urban Mobility Management Information […]
LDST announces that the project with title InCompass has been approved by […]
The project Regional Policy Improvement for Financially Sustainable Creative Incubator Units (InCompass […]
LDST announces that the project with title “Regional Policy Improvement for Financially […]
LDST announces launching of CNG project’s beta testing activities. If you?d like […]
OSEPA produces its first results and is building up a European wide […]
LDST announces that the project with title Sustainable Urban Mobility Management Information […]
LDST announces that the project with title “Information and communication technologies for […]
LDST announces the launching of a new project HRAKLEITOS II. The project […]
The publication “The Community Network Game Project: Enriching Online Gamers Experience with […]
Games at Large (G@L) project is among the 25 projects selected by the […]
LDST was awarded “best paper award” for the publication: Dynamic User ContextWeb […]
The Board of Directors of GRNET has selected prof. Christos J. Bouras, […]
RU6 announces the launching of a new project under the FP7 Program. […]
LDST announces the launching of two new projects under the Interreg IVC […]
The proposal CNG that was submitted under the activity ‘ICT-4-1.5 – Networked […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project: “Design, development and production of […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project GN3. For more information visit […]
Research Unit 6 announces the project “Services for the promotion of broadband […]
LDST was awarded “best paper award” for the publication: Networking Aspects for […]
CTI announces the launching of project “ARCHEOTOUR”, in which CTI participates as […]
CTI announces the launching of project “Services to Citizens and Enterprises in […]
The renewal of the project SIGN Learning Partnership for Sign Language Education […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project PAVET-NE 2004. For more information […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project INTERREG Broadband. For more information […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project GRNET III / VNOC 3. […]
RU6 announces the launching of the project “Games @ Large”. For more […]
Research Unit 6 announces the projects: “Technical Consultant for the Design and […]
The Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology announces that the proposal […]
European Union announces that the IP project Games At Large (Proposal No. […]
Research Unit 6 announces the launching of the project: “Study of usage […]
Research Unit 6 announces the launching of the project: “Broadband in Greece: […]
RU6 announces the launching of European Project GN2 as third party of […]
RU6 Announces the launching of the project “Technical Consultant of BroadBand Networks”. […]
RU6 Announces the launching of project Promotion of Broadband in the Region […]