The fifth InCompass project’s study visit took place on 4th, 5th and 6th of June 2013 in the city of Patras, Greece. The study visit was co-organized by two project partners: the Western Greece Region and the University of Patras. During their three days stay, the 19 attendants had the opportunity to visit three incubator units, Patras Science Park, Patras InnoHub and Patras Carnival Lab. During the three visits, a number of presentations was delivered by representatives from the firms and the directors of the incubators; while, InCompass project partners had also the opportunity to discuss with them in order to identify good practices that support their self‐sustainability. These presentations and discussions set the basis for the “Report Preparation” session, where all the InCompass Project partners indicated the good practices that they had identified during the visit.

You can download the press release of the fifth study visit from here (in Greek) or here (in English).