Research Unit 6 announces the projects:

  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Vartholomio”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Anaktorio”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Gastouni”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Eypalio”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Kalabryta”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Messatida”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Olympia”
  • “Technical Consultant for the Design and Implementation of Wireless Network in the Municipality of Skillounta”

under the scope of the Operational Program, “Information Society”, Action Line 4 “Telecommunications”, Measure 4.3 “Broadband Services for the citizens”.