Christos Bouras

Christos Bouras's picture
Real name: 
Member Affiliation: 
Scientific Co-ordinator of Distributed Systems and Telematics Lab
E-Mail (Public): 
University of Patras,
New building of Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,
Lab of Distributed Systems and Telematics,
Patras, 26504, Achaia, Greece
+30 2610 996951
Short CV: 

Christos J. Bouras is Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics specializing in the field of Algorithms and Applications in Networks, Telematics and New Services. At the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics he teaches Telematics, Network Interconnection, Broadband Technologies and Public Networks at undergraduate level and Algorithmic Topics on Networks and Telematics at postgraduate level. His research interests include 5G and Beyond Networks, Performance Analysis of Network and Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Protocols, Mobile and Wireless Communications, Telematics and New Services, E-Learning, Networked Virtual Environments, QoS and Pricing for Networks and Services and WWW Issues. He has published more than 600 papers in various well-known refereed books, conferences and journals. He has been member of editorial board for international journals and PC member and referee in various international journals and conferences. He has participated in several Greek and international R&D projects and is co-author of 9 books in Greek and editor of 2 in English. He has supervised 17 PhD Theses, 41 Postgraduate Theses and 179 Diploma Theses. He has extensive professional experience in Design and Analysis of Networks and Telematics, Network Protocols, High Bandwidth Networks, Techno-economic Models for Broadband Infrastructures and Distance Learning. He has served as Director of the Graduate Program in Computer Science and Technology, Member of the Managing Board of the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE), Vice President of the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE), Deputy Rector for Finance, Planning and Project Implementation, Vice President and CEO of the University of Patras Property Development and Management Company, Rector and President of the University of Patras Property Development and Management Company.


Conference Papers


Conference Papers

C. Bouras and Sevasti, A., in 6th International Symposium on Communication Interworking(Interworking 2002), Perth, Australia, 2002, pp. 25 - 37.

C. Bouras and Gkamas, A., in 1st IFIP Workshop on Internet Technologies, Applications and Social Impact (WITASI-02), Wroclaw, Poland, 2002, pp. 105 - 122.

C. Bouras and Konidaris, A., in International Workshop on Web Dynamics (In conjuction with the 8th International Conference on Database Theory), London, UK, 2001, vol. 701, pp. 61-70.

C. Bouras and Konidaris, A., in The 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing (IC2001),Las Vegas,Nevada, USA, Vol 2, 2001, pp. 238 - 244.

C. Bouras and Gkamas, A., in 6th International Conference on Protocols for Multimedia Systems-PROMS 2001, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2001, pp. 74 - 88.

C. Bouras and Tsiatsos, T., in International Confertence on Information and Communication Technologies for Education/ED-ICT 2000, Vienna, Austria, 2000, pp. 73 - 81.


Conference Papers

C. Bouras and Sevasti, A., in 6th International Symposium on Communication Interworking(Interworking 2002), Perth, Australia, 2002, pp. 25 - 37.

C. Bouras and Gkamas, A., in 1st IFIP Workshop on Internet Technologies, Applications and Social Impact (WITASI-02), Wroclaw, Poland, 2002, pp. 105 - 122.

C. Bouras and Konidaris, A., in International Workshop on Web Dynamics (In conjuction with the 8th International Conference on Database Theory), London, UK, 2001, vol. 701, pp. 61-70.

C. Bouras and Konidaris, A., in The 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing (IC2001),Las Vegas,Nevada, USA, Vol 2, 2001, pp. 238 - 244.

C. Bouras and Gkamas, A., in 6th International Conference on Protocols for Multimedia Systems-PROMS 2001, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2001, pp. 74 - 88.

C. Bouras and Tsiatsos, T., in International Confertence on Information and Communication Technologies for Education/ED-ICT 2000, Vienna, Austria, 2000, pp. 73 - 81.
