Christos Bouras

Christos Bouras's picture
Real name: 
Member Affiliation: 
Scientific Co-ordinator of Distributed Systems and Telematics Lab
E-Mail (Public): 
University of Patras,
New building of Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,
Lab of Distributed Systems and Telematics,
Patras, 26504, Achaia, Greece
+30 2610 996951
Short CV: 

Christos Bouras is Professor in the University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. Also he is a scientific advisor of Research Unit 6 in Computer Technology Institute and Press - Diophantus, Patras, Greece. His research interests include Analysis of Performance of Networking and Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Protocols, Mobile and Wireless Communications, Telematics and New Services, QoS and Pricing for Networks and Services, e-learning, Networked Virtual Environments and WWW Issues. He has extended professional experience in Design and Analysis of Networks, Protocols, Telematics and New Services. He has published more than 450 papers in various well-known refereed books, conferences and journals. He is a co-author of 9 books in Greek and editor of 2 in English. He has been member of editorial board for international journals and PC member and referee in various international journals and conferences. He has participated in R&D projects.



Conference Papers


Conference Papers

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in Fifth International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2006), Patras, Greece, 2006, σσ 339 - 343.

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in 1st IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Systems and Networking (WMSN 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2005, σσ 491 - 498.

C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., και Igglesis, V., Συγγρ., in The Second IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai, United Arab Emirates - UAE, 2005, σσ 357 - 361.

C. Bouras και Gkamas, A., Συγγρ., in 5th International Network Conference - INC 2005, Samos Island, Greece, 2005, σσ 121 - 128.

C. Bouras και Sevasti, A., Συγγρ., in 10th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, LaManga del Mar Menor, Cartagena, Spain, 2005, σσ 642 - 647.

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in The 2005 International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP 05), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005, σσ 474 - 480.

C. Bouras και Alexiou, A., Συγγρ., in 13th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2005), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2005, σσ 333 - 336.


Conference Papers

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in Fifth International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2006), Patras, Greece, 2006, σσ 339 - 343.

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in 1st IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Systems and Networking (WMSN 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2005, σσ 491 - 498.

C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., και Igglesis, V., Συγγρ., in The Second IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai, United Arab Emirates - UAE, 2005, σσ 357 - 361.

C. Bouras και Gkamas, A., Συγγρ., in 5th International Network Conference - INC 2005, Samos Island, Greece, 2005, σσ 121 - 128.

C. Bouras και Sevasti, A., Συγγρ., in 10th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, LaManga del Mar Menor, Cartagena, Spain, 2005, σσ 642 - 647.

C. Bouras και Stamos, K., Συγγρ., in The 2005 International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP 05), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005, σσ 474 - 480.

C. Bouras και Alexiou, A., Συγγρ., in 13th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2005), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2005, σσ 333 - 336.
