Using Multimedia to Support Reflection on Past Events for Young Children

TitleUsing Multimedia to Support Reflection on Past Events for Young Children
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V, Konidaris, A, Sevasti, A, Ramalho, M, Van de Velde, W
Conference NameED-MEDIA 2000, Montreal, Canada
Date Published26 June - 1 July

The work presented in this paper focuses on software tools that act as video explorers
and annotation platforms and more specifically as diary composers for younger children. Through
such tools, children can have as their raw material video recordings from everyday life and they are
given the opportunity to review this material, reflect upon it and annotate it, thus creating the
stories of everyday life from their own perspective. The specific tool proposed, focuses on multiperspective
capture of events by one or more children and their cooperation during the annotation
