Cross Layer Design for Video Streaming in MANETs

TitleCross Layer Design for Video Streaming in MANETs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAdam, G, Bouras, C, Gkamas, A, Kapoulas, V, Kioumourtzis, G
JournalJournal of Networks, Academy Publishers
Volume9, No. 2

Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are becoming more essential to wireless communications due to
growing popularity of mobile devices. However, MANETs do not seem to effectively support multimedia applications
and especially video transmission. In this work, we propose a cross-layer design that aims to improve the performance of video transmission using TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC). Our design provides priority to video packets and exploits information from the MAC layer in order to improve TFRC?s performance. The proposed cross-layer design utilizes SNR measurements along the routing path, in order to make the route reconstruction procedure more efficient. Simulation results show that both the use of traffic classification and the SNR utilization lead to important improvements in terms of end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS).