The Performance of Simple Queueing Theoretic Video On Demand Algorithms

TitleThe Performance of Simple Queueing Theoretic Video On Demand Algorithms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsBouras, C, Garofalakis, J, Tzimas, J, Petridis, P
Conference NameAPPLIED INFORMATICS (AI 2000), Innsbruck, Austria
Date Published14 - 17 February

Video On Demand (VOD) Systems comprise an
emerging new technology, which is expected to
significantly affect everyday life. The implementation of
effective commercial VOD systems has to overcome some
technical limitations, such as the low bandwidth offered
by the existing communication channels. In our work we
present some simple queuing theoretic algorithms for the
optimal use of a limited number of communication
channels keeping a fair policy for the users requests. We
compare our algorithms with well-known algorithms, by
means of simulation.
