Applying Machine Learning and Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques in Fifth Generation Networks

TitleApplying Machine Learning and Dynamic Resource Allocation Techniques in Fifth Generation Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBouras, C, Michos, E, Prokopiou, I
Conference NameThe 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA – 2022), April 13 - 15, 2022, Sydney, Australia

According to Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics, soon, the online devices in IoT networks will range from 25 up to 50 billion. Thus, it is expected that IoT will require more effective and efficient analysis methods than ever before with the use of Machine Learning (ML) powered by Fifth Generation (5G) networks. In this paper, we incorporate the K-means algorithm inside a 5G network infrastructure to better associate devices with Base Stations (BSs). We use multiple datasets consisting of user distribution in our area of focus and propose a Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) technique to learn their movement and predict the optimal position, RB usage and optimize their resource allocation. Users can experience significantly higher data rates and extended coverage with minimized interference and in fact, the DRA mechanism can mitigate the need for small cell infrastructure and prove a cost-effective solution, due to the resources transferred within the network.