A Web - page fragmentation technique for personalized browsing

TitleA Web - page fragmentation technique for personalized browsing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V, Misedakis, I
Conference Name19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Track on Internet Data Management, Nicosia, Cyprus
Date Published14 - 17 March

In this paper, a technique is presented that allows web sites
viewers to build personalized web pages, using specific thematic
areas of their preferred sites. This technique, besides saving from
the trouble of having to browse in different sites in order to find
the desired content, saves users time and reduces the cost of
browsing the web by minimizing the data that have to be
downloaded. It is based on an algorithm, which fragments a web
page in discrete fragments using the page’s internal structure. A
training and update procedure is utilized for recognizing the
instances of the web page components in different time points.
