Title | Using J2EE Web Services for the Implementation of an Application on Demand Portal |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Authors | Bouras, C, Gkamas, A, Stamos, K, Primpas, D |
Conference Name | The Second Workshop on e – Business (WeB 2003), Seattle, USA |
Date Published | 13 - 14 December |
Abstract | This paper describes the design of the ASP-NG portal, which is a portal for providing the user with the
necessary interface in order to access an Application on Demand (AoD) service. The ASP-NG portal is
responsible for the interaction with the user of the Application on Demand service. The implementation of
the ASP-NG portal is going to be based on the Web Services of the Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
platform. The ASP-NG portal will offer to its users the capability to select and customize the language of
the user interface in order to present information in their preferred language. Moreover the ASP-NG
portal will offer to the portal administrator the capability to customise the look and feel of the ASP-NG