Using J2EE Web Services for the Implementation of an Application on Demand Portal

TitleUsing J2EE Web Services for the Implementation of an Application on Demand Portal
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsBouras, C, Gkamas, A, Stamos, K, Primpas, D
Conference NameThe Second Workshop on e – Business (WeB 2003), Seattle, USA
Date Published13 - 14 December

This paper describes the design of the ASP-NG portal, which is a portal for providing the user with the
necessary interface in order to access an Application on Demand (AoD) service. The ASP-NG portal is
responsible for the interaction with the user of the Application on Demand service. The implementation of
the ASP-NG portal is going to be based on the Web Services of the Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
platform. The ASP-NG portal will offer to its users the capability to select and customize the language of
the user interface in order to present information in their preferred language. Moreover the ASP-NG
portal will offer to the portal administrator the capability to customise the look and feel of the ASP-NG
