Teaching 5G Networks Using the ONOS SDN Controller

TitleTeaching 5G Networks Using the ONOS SDN Controller
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBouras, C, Kollia, A, Papazois, A
Conference NameThe Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, (ICUFN 2017), Milan, Italy
Date PublishedJuly 4 - 7

Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are two significant answers to the demands raised by the next generation of mobile networks. Teaching 5G, wireless and mobile networking is becoming an absolute necessity as virtualization and SDN generate a whole new approach for these types of networks and are candidate solutions for the fifth generation. We present several ideas for teaching the combination of SDN and NFV in future mobile networks using the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) and its use cases. The architectural scheme which is experimentedis thoroughly explained. There are several network simulations using the use cases vRouter (Virtual Router), IPRAN (InternetProtocol Radio Access Network) and MCORD  (Mobile Central Office Re-architected as a data center) of the ONOS controller, which show how important the ONOS is and how it contributes in explaining 5G and SDN in the teaching process. Finally, experiments indicate that ONOS is suitable for teaching SDN and NFV in 5G. Future activity in the field is suggested.
