Quality of Service aspects in an IPv6 domain

TitleQuality of Service aspects in an IPv6 domain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsBouras, C, Gkamas, A, Stamos, K, Primpas, D
Conference Name2004 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS’ 04), San Jose, California, USA
Date Published25 - 29 July

During the last years 2 Quality of Service architectures (IntServ and DiffServ) have been proposed and evaluated. The DiffServ architecture has proved its ascendancy and some services have already been proposed and deployed on IPv4 domains. But the usage of IPv6 protocol creates new challenges, as the QoS mechanisms that are currently supported for IPv6 in most implementations are fewer (or different) compared to IPv4 and in addition the whole network’s behaviour is different. So, as a result the QoS services should be designed and evaluated again. This paper describes a QoS service on an IPv6 domain that aims to service aggregates of real time traffic with minimum delay, jitter and packet loss. In addition, it contains results from the experiments in our IPv6 network that took advantage of the QoS mechanisms. This QoS service uses the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) mechanism and especially the Low Latency Queue feature (LLQ) in order to treat packets from real time applications.
