An Integrated Platform for Educational Virtual Environments

TitleAn Integrated Platform for Educational Virtual Environments
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsBouras, C, Tsiatsos, T, Giannaka, E, Panagopoulos, A, Nani, M
Book TitleWeb-Based Intelligent e - Learning Systems: Technologies and Applications
Pagination 291 - 320
PublisherIDEA Group Publishing

In this chapter, we present the design and implementation of an integrated platform for Educational Virtual Environments. This platform aims to support an educational community, synchronous online courses in multi-user three-dimensional (3D) environments, and the creation and access of asynchronous courses through a learning content management system. In order to offer synchronous courses, we have implemented a system called EVE-II, which supports stable event sharing for multi-user 3D places, easy creation of multi-user 3D places, H.323-based voice- over IP services fully integrated in a 3D space, as well as many concurrent 3D multi-user spaces.
