Nikolaos Papachristos
Short CV: Nikolaos Papachristos was born in 1993 in Patras, Greece. He entered the Department of Information and Communication System Engineering, University of the Aegean in 2011 and obtained his diploma in 2016. After that he obtained his master’s degree in “Computer Science and Technology” in Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (University of Patras) in 2018. Currently he is a phD student in the same department in the area of IoT using LoraWan & NB-IoT. Nikolas joined RU6 in 2015 and he is also interested in mobile telecommunications networks, mobile software development and D2D communications. He has obtained the Michigan Proficiency in English and the Zertifikat diplom in German. He has participated in many activities at the department of his studies as an IEEE Member, has taken part in IEEE’s online contests and has participated in many online courses related to mobile software development as well as telecommunications networks for further education.