The building heating and cooling sector is one of the primary energy consumers in the EU, representing approximately 30% of final energy consumption. Efforts to improve its sustainability have not been adequate, as highlighted by the fact that RES penetration (~23%) is considerably lower than in electricity production (~ 38%); hence, targeted policy interventions are still needed to accelerate the low-carbon transition of the sector. To this end, district heating represents a major, yet underutilized, alternative, which could cover up to 50% of the urban heating demand, offering the potential to improve the overall energy efficiency of the sector and increase the use of RES and waste heat.
Green4HEAT will support the participating regions’ efforts towards sustainable district heating, by enabling them to improve territorial heat planning, streamline their policies to support the uptake of green technologies (such as heat pumps) and the proliferation of state-of-the-art heat networks, and actively involve territorial stakeholders and citizens.
a) Accelerate the deployment of low temperature heat networks in Green4HEAT territories
b) Improve territorial heat planning and increase the utilisation of low-grade energy and heat sources (particularly geothermal energy) in heating and cooling
c) Accelerate the establishment of thermal energy communities in Green4HEAT territories
d) Increase investments in green heating and cooling technologies
The partnership comprises 9 partners from 8 EU countries (GR, ES, BE, LV, PL, DK, HU, SI), who will exchange knowledge and experience, and jointly identify solutions to address territorial challenges and accelerate the transition to sustainable district heating in their territories.
- 8 workshops (3 online) and 1 study visit to facilitate capacity building
- 4 thematic studies to identify territorial gaps and transfer good practices
- 8 improved PIs
- 8 info days