Acronym: SECOVIA
Program: South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
Funding: 85% ERDF 15% National Co-financing
Delegate Organization: LEPIDA - Lepida LtD
Partners: RAK - Regional Authority Kyustendil
WGR - REGION OF WESTERN GREECE with University of Patras (as subcontractor)
ZVK - Centre for public administration cooperation
TECLA - Association for the Transregional, Local and European Cooperation
CDIMM Maramures - The Development Centre for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Maramures
InnDEA - Foundation of the Valentian Community to promote strategic urban development and innovation
BSC - Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska, BSC Business Support Centre, Kranj
Pannon Novum - Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Nonprofit LTD
IMIS /Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication, and Knowledge Technologies
AAM - Association of Albanian Municipalities
SERDA - Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency
DSR - Centre for Development of Skopje Region
Project period: Saturday, June 1, 2013 to Tuesday, September 30, 2014

SECOVIA promotes jointly developed, advanced IT solutions that harvest the benefits of cloud computing to support access to shared public IT services, resources & infrastructures and tackle the digital divide among SEE territories.

Main activities planned:

1. Current status assessment on virtual accessibility services & infrastructures.

2. Experience exchange on shared, public IT services & infrastructures.

3. Assessment of SEE stakeholder needs and policies on shared, public IT services & infrastructures.

4. Feasibility analysis and roll-out plan for proposed transnational providers of shared cloud-based services, & infrastructures (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

5. Improvement of public-private investment policies on virtual accessibility.

6. Consensus-based common policy positions on joint, cross-border cloud provision to serve the needs of SEE administrations.

7. Capitalisation of results through stakeholder networking and follow-up initiative.