Acronym: GPP4Growth
Program: Interreg-Europe
Funding: 85% ERDF 15% National Co-financing
Partners: Lombardy Region
Lodzkie Region
Province of Antwerp
Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Regional Government of Andalucia
Zemgale planning region
Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment
Liguria Cluster for Marine Technologies (DLTM)
Malta Regional Development and Dialogue Foundation
Project period: Sunday, January 1, 2017 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Since April 2016, the new EU public procurement system generates new opportunities for public administrations to incentivise eco-innovation and resource efficiency via green public procurement (GPP), i.e. by applying new environmental criteria in tenders. GPP4Growth regions are called to play an important role, using their purchasing power to choose green goods & services, and promote sustainable consumption & production patterns.


GPP4Growth brings together 9 partners from 9 countries, involving the managing authorities & regional bodies influencing regional & national policy instruments, to exchange experiences & practices, and improve their capacity on implementing resource efficiency policies that promote eco-innovation and green growth through GPP.


Over 7% increase in the number of businesses in partners’ regions, integrating environmental factors and costs when producing goods and/or providing supplies, services and works. Increased capacity of 200 staff of public administrations to effectively implement resource efficiency policies, applying GPP. 10+Meuros of investments unlocked to promote new green products and services development. Increased knowledge awareness of over 1000 stakeholders on the influence of GPP on the adoption of sustainable consumption and production patterns by businesses.