Anastasia Kollia

Anastasia Kollia's picture
Real name: 
Member Affiliation: 
Computer and Informatics Engineer, MSc
E-Mail (Public): 
University of Patras,
New building of Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,
Lab of Distributed Systems and Telematics,
Patras, 26504, Achaia, Greece
+30 2610 996954
Short CV: 

Anastasia Kollia was born in Maroussi in Attiki in 1992. She speaks fluently English and French. She obtained the Proficiency in English of Michigan University in 2007. She obtained the "Diplome Approfondi de la langue francaise C2" de l' "Institut francais" in 2007. She entered the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department in 2010 and obtained her diploma in 2015. She joined the ru6 of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department at the University of Patras in 2014 and she has been a member ever since. She obtained her master's degree in "Computer Science and Technology" in 2017 and she currently is a phD student in the same department.  She is a member of the IEEE student branch at Patras since 2015. Her research interests include future mobile and wireless networks, Ultra-dense deployments and Software Defined Networking.



Book Chapters

Conference Papers

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

Conference Papers

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., in The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, (ICUFN 2017), Milan, Italy, 2017, σσ 465-470.

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., in The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, (ICUFN 2017), Milan, Italy, 2017, σσ 312-317.

Journal Articles

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, (IJITN), IGI Global 2018, τ. 10, τχ. 4, σσ 46-60, 2018.

Book Chapters

Conference Papers

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., in The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, (ICUFN 2017), Milan, Italy, 2017, σσ 465-470.

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., in The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, (ICUFN 2017), Milan, Italy, 2017, σσ 312-317.

Journal Articles

C. Bouras, Kollia, A., και Papazois, A., Συγγρ., International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, (IJITN), IGI Global 2018, τ. 10, τχ. 4, σσ 46-60, 2018.