
00035 #ifndef ns_rtp_h
00036 #define ns_rtp_h
00038 #include "config.h"
00039 #include "object.h"
00040 #include "agent.h"
00041 #include "timer-handler.h"
00042 #include <list> 
00044 #define RTP_M 0x0080 // marker for significant events
00045 class RTPReceiver;
00047 struct sender_report {
00049         u_int32_t sender_srcid_;
00051         int pkts_sent_;
00053         int octets_sent_;
00055         RTPReceiver* rcvrs_;
00056         /* per-field member functions */
00057         u_int32_t& sender_srcid() { return (sender_srcid_); }
00059         int& pkts_sent() { return (pkts_sent_); }
00061         int& octets_sent() { return (octets_sent_); }
00062 }; 
00065 struct receiver_report {
00067         int cum_pkts_lost_;
00069         double R_tcp_;
00071         double LSR_;
00073         double DLSR_;
00075         double jitter_;
00076         int  bye_;
00077         /* per-field member functions */
00079         int& cum_pkts_lost() { return (cum_pkts_lost_); }
00081         double& R_tcp() { return (R_tcp_); }
00083         double& LSR() { return (LSR_); }
00085         double& DLSR() { return (DLSR_); }
00087         double& jitter() { return (jitter_); }
00088         int& bye() { return (bye_); }
00090 }; 
00093 struct hdr_rtp {
00095         u_int32_t srcid_;
00097         int seqno_;
00099         u_int16_t flags_; 
00101         double timestamp_;
00102         static int offset_;
00103         inline static int& offset() { return offset_; }
00104         inline static hdr_rtp* access(const Packet* p) {
00105                 return (hdr_rtp*) p->access(offset_);
00106         }
00107         /* per-field member functions */
00109         u_int32_t& srcid() { return (srcid_); }
00111         int& seqno() { return (seqno_); }
00112         u_int16_t& flags() { return (flags_); }
00114         double& timestamp() { return (timestamp_); }
00116         sender_report* sr_;
00118         receiver_report* rr_;
00121 };
00128 class RTPSource : public TclObject {
00129 public:
00131         RTPSource* next;
00134         RTPSource(u_int32_t srcid);
00136         inline u_int32_t srcid() { return (srcid_); }
00138         inline int np() { return (np_); }
00140         inline int snp() { return (snp_); }
00142         inline int ehsr() { return (ehsr_); }
00144         inline int nbytes() { return (nbytes_); }
00146         inline int cum_pkts_lost() { return (cum_pkts_lost_);  }
00148         inline double LSR() { return (LSR_);  }
00150         inline double SRT() { return (SRT_);  }
00152         inline bool is_sender() { return (is_sender_);  }
00154         inline int ps() { return (ps_);  }
00156         inline double rate() { return (rate_);  }
00158         inline double transit() { return (transit_);  }
00160         inline double jitter() { return (jitter_);  }
00163         inline void np(int n) { np_ += n; }
00165         inline void snp(int n) { snp_ = n; }
00167         inline void ehsr(int n) { ehsr_ = n; }
00169         inline void nbytes(int n) { nbytes_+= n; }
00171         inline void cum_pkts_lost(int n) { cum_pkts_lost_ += n; }
00173         inline void LSR(double n) { LSR_= n; }
00175         inline void SRT(double n) { SRT_= n; }
00177         inline void is_sender(bool n) { is_sender_= n; }
00179         inline void ps(int n) { ps_= n; }
00181         inline void rate(double n) { rate_= n; }
00183         inline void transit(double n) { transit_= n; }
00185         inline void jitter(double n) { jitter_= n; }
00186 protected:
00188         u_int32_t srcid_;
00190         int np_;
00192         int snp_;
00194         int ehsr_;
00196         int nbytes_;
00198         int cum_pkts_lost_;
00200         double LSR_;
00202         double SRT_;
00204         bool is_sender_;
00206         int ps_;
00208         double rate_;
00210         double transit_;
00212         double jitter_;
00214 };
00219 class RTPReceiver : public TclObject {
00220 public:
00222         RTPReceiver* next;
00224         RTPReceiver(u_int32_t srcid);
00226         inline u_int32_t srcid() { return (srcid_); }
00228         inline int cum_pkts_lost() { return (cum_pkts_lost_); }
00230         inline double eff_rtt() { return (eff_rtt_); }
00232         inline double rate() { return (rate_); }
00234         inline void cum_pkts_lost(int n) { cum_pkts_lost_ += n; }
00236         inline void eff_rtt(double n) { eff_rtt_ = n; }
00238         inline void rate(double n) { rate_ = n; }
00239         void receive_report(receiver_report*);
00241 protected:
00243         u_int32_t srcid_;
00245         int cum_pkts_lost_;
00247         double eff_rtt_;
00249         double rate_;
00250 };
00257 class RTPSession : public NsObject {
00258 public:
00259         RTPSession();
00260         ~RTPSession();
00261         /* the receive packet function */
00262         virtual void recv(Packet* p, Handler*);
00263         /* the receive control packet function */
00264         virtual void recv_ctrl(Packet* p);
00265         /* connection with TCL commands */
00266         int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
00267         /* returns the srcid of the local source */
00268         inline u_int32_t srcid() { return (localsrc_->srcid()); }
00269         /* builds the RTCP SR and RR */
00270         int build_report(int bye);
00271         /* icrements by one each time when a RTP packet is sent */
00272         void localsrc_update(int);
00273         /* updates the trasnmission rate of the RTP sender */
00274         void update_rate();
00275         /* passes the Sender Report */
00276         void pass_sr(sender_report*);
00277         /*  increments by packet size (in bytes) each time when a RTP packet is sent */
00278         void localsrc_update_nbytes(int n);
00279         /* calculates a smooth TCP-friendly rate */
00280         void smooth_rate(double rate);
00281         RTPSource* allsrcs_;
00282         RTPSource* localsrc_;
00283         RTPReceiver* receivers_;
00285         int last_np_;
00286         /* we do not implement this function */
00287         int build_sdes();
00288         /* future work */
00289         int build_bye();
00290         /* access the RTP header */
00291         hdr_rtp* access_hdr_rtp();
00292         /* for debugging */
00293         void print_rcv();
00295         int enableFlowControl_;
00297         double rx_recv_;
00299         double jitter_;
00302 protected:
00304         RTPSource* lookup(u_int32_t);
00305         RTPReceiver* lookup_rcv(u_int32_t);
00307         list<double> lst;
00308         /* add this source */
00309         void enter(RTPSource*);
00310         /* add this receiver */
00311         void enter_rcv(RTPReceiver*);
00312         /* calculate RTT */
00313         void calculate_RTT();
00314         /* increase rate if packet losses have been not detected since last RR */
00315         void increase_rate(int a);
00316         /* measure smooth packet loss ratio */
00317         void measure_smooth_loss (double n);
00318         /* calculates TCP-friendly bandwidth share */
00319         void calculateR_tcp(int a);
00320         /* the initial session rate */
00321         void initial_rate(double a);
00323         double T_one_way_;
00325         hdr_rtp* rh_;
00326         /* removes the RTP receiver from the list */
00327         void remove_receiver(RTPReceiver*);
00329         int we_sent;
00331         double RTT_;
00333         double weight[8];
00335         double pkt_loss_history[8];
00337         double smooth_loss_;
00339         int last_pkts_lost_;
00341         int last_ehsr_;
00343         double tx_rate_;
00345         double time_elapsed_;
00347         double last_time_report_;
00349         double alpha;
00350         /* calculates A */
00351         void calculate_alpha(double value);
00355 };
00357 class RTPAgent;
00362 class RTPTimer : public TimerHandler {
00363 public: 
00364         RTPTimer(RTPAgent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; }
00365 protected:
00366         virtual void expire(Event *e);
00367         RTPAgent *a_;
00368 };
00373 class RTPAgent : public Agent {
00374  public:
00375         RTPAgent();
00376         virtual void timeout(int);
00377         virtual void recv(Packet* p, Handler*);
00378         virtual int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
00379         void advanceby(int delta);
00380         virtual void sendmsg(int nbytes, const char *flags = 0);
00381  protected:
00382         virtual void sendpkt();
00383         virtual void makepkt(Packet*);
00384         void rate_change();
00385         virtual void start();
00386         virtual void stop();
00387         virtual void finish();
00388         RTPSession* session_;
00389         double lastpkttime_;
00390         int seqno_;
00391         int running_;
00392         int random_;
00393         int maxpkts_;
00394         double interval_;
00395         RTPTimer rtp_timer_;
00396         double timestamp_;
00397 };
00399 #endif

Generated on Sat Mar 8 18:04:09 2008 for RTP by  doxygen 1.5.1