DiffServ QoS in NS-2 Simulator

DiffServ QoS in NS-2 Simulator

Quality of Service in NS-2

Our team is studying Quality of Service issues in high speed networks. This work is done in the Lab of Distributed Systems and Telematics of Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of University of Patras.

The areas that our team has focused the past years are the development and experimental simulation of several mechanisms. After the simulation tests, many mechanisms has been configured and studied in real networks and now are fully functional mechanisms on production QoS services. The simulation tests have been done in NS-2 (Network simulator 2) that is a well known simulation environment that many researchers use around the world. This page describes our team, and focuses on the already developed functionalities in NS-2. This period, our team works on the testing of a Bandwidth Broker structure that the team designed and developed. The forthcoming results will be evaluated in order to improve the bandwidth brokers operation. Also, this implementation will be used in order to test and evaluate various algorithms for admission control and inter-domain communication (adjacent bandwidth brokers). Finally, there are plans to integrate the existing functionality with MPLS technology.

Our additions for NS-2 simulator can be summarized in the following areas:

  • DiffServ functionlity
  • Bandwidth Brokers
  • Admission control algorithms for Bandwidth Brokers