Sign Language Interpreters Training

TitleSign Language Interpreters Training
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBouras, C, Giannaka, E, Andriakopoulou, E
Conference Name10th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL 2007), Villach, Austria
Date Published26 - 28 September

Nowadays, the evolution of technology and the increasing use of computers gave the opportunity for developing new methods of education of deaf individuals and sign language interpreters. The e-learning environments that have been developed for the education of sign language provide web-based courses, designed to effectively teach to anyone the Sign Language. Recognizing the difficulties and barriers of sign language training as well as the importance of sign language interpreters for the community of deaf and hearing impaired, this paper presents the SIGN Learning Partnership, a project for sign language education. The objective of the partnership is to develop a new training method for sign language interpreter?s training together with a curriculum ready for accreditation, based on the outcome of the research in all previous-mentioned areas.