Sensitivity Analysis of Small Cells and DAS Techno-economic Models in Mobile 5G

TitleSensitivity Analysis of Small Cells and DAS Techno-economic Models in Mobile 5G
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBouras, C, Kollia, A, Papazois, A
Conference NameIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2016) Doha, Qatar
Date PublishedApril 3 - 6

Next generation of mobile technologies demands high date rates and low round trip times. Therefore, we analyze deployments that offer these performance capabilities. We consider the fundamental issue of the expenses of the network’s installation, maintenance and operation. We calculate the costs of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) and small cells by describing updated cost models for each one. We present a Sensitivity Analysis of certain types of cost variables and parameters including the existing bandwidth, the running costs, the interest rate, the base station, the equipment, the power consumption, the backhaul, the implementation costs and Throughput Density. We include a variable cost provision for the year 2016 and beyond, and conduce several experiments, based on the upper analysis, by considering many different parameter prices and introducing the Throughput Density. We calculate the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), the Capital (CAPEX) and the Operational (OPEX) expenditures. Finally, we are led to important conclusions by comparing the two main technologies costs and evaluating the cost parameters and variables that will lead future researchers to suggest ways to reduce the higher costs.