Policies for Content Filtering in Educational Networks: The case of Greece

TitlePolicies for Content Filtering in Educational Networks: The case of Greece
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsBouras, C, Avgoulea, M, Paraskevas, M, Stathakopoulos, G
JournalJournal of Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 20, Issue 1
Pagination 71-95

The Internet removes all barriers to sending and receiving information. An increasing
number of nations connect their schools on the Internet as an acknowledgment of its importance
in education. Despite its undeniable usefulness, it also has certain perils. This study
specifies and evaluates these, finding the technologies that are currently available to address
filtering issues and comparing them. We present our proposed solution for the Greek School
Network, and illustrate to what extent our solution successfully addresses the issues discussed.
