A Multicast Packet Forwarding Mechanism for WCDMA Networks using Routing Lists

TitleA Multicast Packet Forwarding Mechanism for WCDMA Networks using Routing Lists
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsBouras, C, Alexiou, A, Antonellis, D
Conference Name2nd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling, (ACM WMuNeP 2006), MSWiM 2006 Workshops, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain
Date Published6 October
KeywordsMBMS, UMTS

This paper proposes a multicast scheme for the packet forwarding mechanism in the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). This scheme relies on the introduction of the Permanent Multicast Routing List (PMRL) and Temporary Multicast Routing List (TMRL) in each node of the network except UEs. In the PMRL we record the nodes of the next level that the messages for every multicast group should be forwarded. The TMRL is useful for the temporary record of information from the path from the mobile users to the GGSN. Additionally, a Multicast Group List (MGL) is kept in the GGSN which records the members of each multicast group. These lists lead to the decrement of the transmitted packets and the more efficient use of the network resources in the multicast routing in UMTS. We analyze the exact steps that the multicast packets are transmitted to the members of each multicast group. Furthermore, special issues such as joining/leaving a multicast service are described. Our simulation results show that the proposed mechanism for the multicast packet forwarding in UMTS performs efficiently.