Evaluating Different One to Many Packet Delivery Schemes for UMTS

TitleEvaluating Different One to Many Packet Delivery Schemes for UMTS
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsBouras, C, Alexiou, A, Antonellis, D
Conference Name7th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks - WoWMoM 2006, Niagara - Falls/Buffalo, New York, USA
Date Published26 - 29 June
KeywordsMBMS, UMTS

It is known that multicasting is an efficient method
of supporting group communication as it allows the
transmission of packets to multiple destinations using
fewer network resources. Thus, service providers are
increasingly interested in supporting multicast
communications over wireless networks and in
particular over UMTS. Multicasting is a more efficient
method of supporting group communication than
unicasting or broadcasting, as it allows transmission
and routing of packets to multiple destinations using
fewer network resources. In this paper the three above
mentioned methods of supporting group
communication are analyzed in terms of their