Challenges in Cross Layer Design for Multimedia Transmission over Wireless Networks

TitleChallenges in Cross Layer Design for Multimedia Transmission over Wireless Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBouras, C, Gkamas, A
Conference NameWWRF– 21st Meeting WG3 –Future Architecture, Stockholm, Sweden
Date Published13 - 15 October

This paper examines the challenges of cross layer design for multimedia transmission over wireless networks. In wireless networks multimedia data transmission inherits also all the characteristics and constrains related to the propagation to the free space. One first striking difference between wired and wireless networks is the cause of packet losses. Packet losses in wired networks occur mainly due to congestion in the path between the sender and the receiver, while in wireless networks packet losses occur mainly due to corrupted packets as a result of the low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the multi-path signal fading and the interference from neighbouring transmissions. A second difference between wired and wireless networks is the “mobility factor”. Mobility in wireless networks introduces a number of additional barriers in multimedia data transmission.